By Todd Avison on Monday, 05 December 2022
Category: Coffee Roasting

Coffee in Kelowna - Medium roast

So when talking about medium roast coffee here in Kelowna, this can scare some people. What I don't mean is that they are afraid to talk about it. What I mean is, 'hey try this……' - response 'no, I only like dark roast!

Over the years I have been in coffee from many many cafe experiences, I believe the fear of medium roast coffee's is due to a few factors. Sure, at the end of the day, coffee is subjective. It truly is. People like what they like, but if they have ever had the experience of being introduced into the medium roast world, heck - even light roast, it's usually because of a few things.

1) it's done 'cold turkey'. - Kelowna perspective

usually a barista or roaster gets super excited about this one and just say's 'hey try this, it tastes like blueberries!'. This is done without cream or sugar and given to the customer and is just a shock to the ol tastebuds. When someone who is use to darker roasts and has sugar and cream in it ( their coffee is an off white ). This approach rarely ever is successful. If you want to 'convert' someone into the medium/light roast world, this needs to be done in a tasting in my honest opinion. Slow and steady with this one. And if at the end of it, they still dont like it, get them that cup of darker roast they have been craving each day!

2) it's too inconsistent - Kelowna perspective

Now this side of things gets tricky cause depending on how the coffee is brewed, and by whom, and if they have had a good day or not, water pressure etc, this could also make or break someone getting into the space of enjoying a medium roast or not.

Origin/process - Kelowna perspective

Any questions about this one, give us a holler! 

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